New business models for Digital Transformation

A Digital Unit to support corporate innovation

In B2B companies, the opportunities offered by digital technologies can considerably impact when applied to the development of a range of value-added services and solutions for customers.

In this project, a global player in the energy sector decided to start a digital transformation path to define new digital business models based on the principles of servitization.
Cefriel supported the phase of Digital Unit set up, starting from the design of the overall organization up to the description of processes, tools and techniques to be used at various levels of the organization: strategy, business model, portfolio, programs, projects and operation.


Energy Global Partner


Contact person

Armando Beffani



Define organization model and processes to support corporate digital transformation activities.

Set up a new organizational unit, perfectly integrated with the current ones, to support innovation processes.


Set up of a Digital Unit, within the current organization, with an agile methodological approach.

Definition of innovation models, also based on Cefriel best practice.



The whole company engaged

Engagement of 500+ professionals and improvement of 100+ organizational processes.

Innovation Digital Unit

50+ professionals engaged in the new organizational structure.

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